Alzheimer's is widely recognized as a highly devastating disease that can pose significant challenges for caregivers. It is crucial to comprehend Alzheimer's, its impact on individuals, and how addressing it can alleviate the stress experienced by caregivers.
Based on my experience, I have dealt extensively with this disease and received training to gain a better understanding of what is truly happening and how to enhance the quality of life for my residents to the best of my ability. I will be sharing a link to a video by Teepa Snow, who excels at elucidating the impact on individuals and how we, as caregivers, can improve our understanding of our residents. She offers numerous videos that delve deeply into the life of a person with Alzheimer's, drawing from her own real-life experiences. My hope is that by sharing this, it will assist other nurses in comprehending the significance of truly understanding our residents and providing them with the appropriate care.
Click on this link to explore the variety of videos she has to offer! Through my blogs, I aim to share the tools and techniques that have helped me improve as a caregiver.